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Community Profile: Millennium Rex

What should the community know about who you are?

I am a LGBTQ+ organizer, activist, and Artist.

What passions do you have that you want the community to know about?

I’d say I’m passionate about my music, my photography and generally expression. I spent 19 years in the closet and 10 years getting out of it. So seeing people express themselves in so many beautiful ways inspires me.

What do you think your role is in the community?

My role in the community man, thats a tough one. Id say the goal I have for me in the community is to help people find connection, with themselves, with others, all of it. It hurts me when i hear someone queer say they feel they dont have a place in the community. Not on my watch.

What does the community mean to you?

Community to me means family. We’re here to support, lift, and educate each other. When you find joy in the success of others as if it were your own, you’ve found community.

How has the community helped shape who you are?

The community has shaped me in so many ways but more than anything id say it validated me and reminded me that who I am on my darkest days is stlll a light to others. When I came out of the closet it was honestly tough for me. I didn’t know where to start my queer journey or even my adult journey. It was queer friendly spaces and some legendary gay friends showing me the ropes while loving me (with a little side eye too) that got me through my awkward stages.

What would your wishes be for our community in the future?

I’d say my wish for the future is that we find more ways to bond with each other. That we see strength in our diversity and use it to build a deeper richer community.

What does Queer mean to you?

Queer is so wonderful of a word because it encompasses not only the LGBTQ, but also means strange or unusual which i think speaks to me too I don’t seek to fit in so much as the best things in life stand out.

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