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Queer Betterment Professional Q & A: KC Carlberg of Portland

Name: KC Carlberg

Profession: Personal Trainer, Life Coach, Real Estate Agent

Company: Self-employed and MORE Realty

How long have you been helping people become better? 

29 years

Why is it important for people to focus on themselves and become better?

It is important for people to be self-reflective and really know who they are in terms of their values, their strengths and their weakness’. The more we know ourselves the better we are able to get in touch with our hopes, dreams and desires. We can then set more specific goals based on who we know ourselves to be. To focus on oneself is not selfish but selfless.

What do you believe are the top 3 things a person can do to be happier? 

I would say the number one thing we can do to be happier is to practice gratitude and mindfulness. When we are grateful, it brings us to the present moment. We can only live one moment at a time so it takes us out of the worry of the future and the regrets of the past. Secondly, it is important to cultivate strong relationships with ourselves and others. Our connections with others bring meaning to our lives. And finally, physically activity is essential for happiness. It helps to improve our mood, builds self- confidence, reduces stress and gives a greater sense of well-being.

What do you think are the top 3 things for a person to do to be healthier? 

The top 3 things people can do to be healthier is to engage in regular physical activity to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility. Secondly, eat a nutritious diet full of whole foods and plenty of hydration. And finally get good sleep, which allows our body to rest and repair.

 How have you found your core values and stay true to them? 

I continually focus on personal development. It is important in my work to personally continue to evolve and grow. Over the years I have participated in development courses, read books, journaled and have trained with coaches and mentors. I have a gratitude journal and try to meditate daily to help me stay mindful and in touch with my core values and desires. It is not always easy. When I take the time to be curious and open about myself and others, each day, I find that I always learn something.  

From your perspective, how can someone start making little steps to be better? 

I would say, start with gratitude. Then try to take one small action toward your goal. No matter how small or how little, consistency in taking those small actions will lead to big results and keep you moving forward.

What advice do you have that they struggle to make time for themselves? 

It is important to carve out some “me time” in your schedule and set clear boundaries. You can take short breaks throughout your day like a 5-minute walk around the block or shutting the door and taking 5 deep breaths to ground yourself. Identify the things that bring you joy and make you happy and actively make plans for your relaxation. Taking the time to read a book, take a hike nature or just sit quietly, are essential for your well- being and mental health

What are some of the things you do for yourself to be better? 

I love to ride my bike outside when I get the chance. Just being out in nature fills my soul and really helps me to get grounded. I also enjoy time with friends and connecting. I spend a lot of time alone working so when I get the chance to have fun and be social, it feels good. With that being said, I like my alone time to recharge.

What advice do you have for those that falter or become uninspired? 

I would say be gentle with yourself. Sometimes we chastise ourselves for not being perfect, productive or good. When we have a loss of inspiration or falter, sitting quietly is a good way to get in touch with what we need in order to get grounded – do we need food, water, sleep?  Other times it might be productive to step away and do something entirely different, something you have never done before. This can give you inspiration and just enough of a different perspective to get you going again. Don’t be afraid to take the time.

Any other tips or advice for our readers about how to work on being holistically a better person?

First of all, I would say treat yourself with compassion, like you would treat a good friend. Be mindful of your self-talk and really get to know who you are and what you are all about. Focus on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being by engaging in activities that align with your values and that bring you joy.

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